Saying goodbye to life is hard.

We can help it be beautiful.

Is your need urgent? We offer in-person and virtual coaching sessions and online do-it-yourself resources.

Let's start with a free half hour "getting to know you" conversation.

Special Event:

The  ancient Greeks held the belief that the purpose of life is to learn to die well.

Join us on Saturday May 25th, 2024 for a unique 4 hour retreat that focuses on the body, breath and sound, through the practices of Kundalini and Yin yoga, to open us up for a contemplation and awareness of our own dying process.

Cost is $50 (including lunch) and the intimate setting is The Yurt KW – 508 Duke St W, Kitchener.

Only 7 spots available so reserve your sacred spot today.

Register by e-transferring


Life has a natural cycle of beginnings and endings. So, why do we celebrate the first part and avoid talking about the last part?

How Comfortable are you in talking about death?

“How can it be possible to never talk out loud about death, in a world where everyone dies?”

-Kevin Toolis

What happens at death is a mystery, but what choices you make for yourself or for loved ones doesn’t have to to be.  Start now by asking questions, learning about options and having conversations  around what matters in life so you know what will matter at the end-of-life.  Here are a few questions to get started…

Menu of Offerings: How Can We Meet Your Needs?

What is your current situation?


I am starting to think about things and I want to explore what matters to me or my loved one, the choices and options that we might want and how to start these conversations.


Myself or my loved one has a diagnosis or is approaching end-of-life, and we need resources to help consider and choose care options that make this stage as meaningful as possible.


My loved one has died and we need guidance and support to say our goodbye. This may include a celebration, home-based or more traditional funeral.

What style of support suits you best?

I need support to talk things over, get perspective, gather information and make plans.

Please look under the GUIDANCE section.

I am just starting to play with these ideas. I need a gentle way to start.

Please look under  the GAMES section

I am comfortable guiding myself through information, resources or learning.

Please look under  the RESOURCES section

Could we help you to take a first step ?

Do you  know you need to start thinking and talking about things but are not sure where to start? Asking questions is a great first step, but it’s not always easy to come up with the questions. Would it help if you were given a question each month that could be used to spark your thinking and sharing?



Receive one question each month Free

* indicates required

Looking for some tips, perspectives and information ?

Read our Reflections

Explore and learn innovative approaches to having those meaningful conversations.