Other Guides to Help You in Your GoodbyesIT CAN TAKE A VILLAGE TO LET GO OF A LIFE
Different perspectives and approaches can add the right touch

Trae Robinson
Trae is delighted to join Jen in her mission to create good endings. Trae has a HBA in Communications Studies, a MSc in Health Promotion and has trained as a co-active coach with the ICF accredited Coaches Training Institute. She has been helping people create memoirs for 3 years. When she is not writing, she loves learning new things and rambling in Nature.

CD Good
It was a joy and honor to facilitate the visual digital elements for the games Exit Matters and The Bucket List. People come to me with their ideas and I am intuitive and empathic enough to be their instrument in bringing their vision to reality. I am also a trained Exit Matters guide and can offer your group an in-person Exit Matters game experience on Vancouver Island, BC. Reach out here if you would like to talk about it.
I see beyond the physical world, so in a way, I can express hidden aspects and ideal, abstract concepts in ways that people can also identify the temporary illusion and connect to the eternal aspects of life. I also offer Legacy Art offerings.